Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
March 2025

I am so thrilled the days are getting longer and the temps are getting warmer. I can’t wait to lose this parka and start to see the world again in living color.

And we are moving on the ramp gallery! The Jacquier Welding crew visited last month to measure for our handrails. Justin and I are artistically filling in holes so the building inspector will love us. There are still photos and storyboards to go up to accompany the artwork all these kids have contributed. 

I can’t wait for visitors to learn about some of the collaborative projects we completed over the past 15 years with kids across the country. Moving through the ramp gallery, they will read stories about projects at White Earth Reservation in MN; Baton Rouge, LA; the Penn Center on St. Helena Island, SC; and Hope Meadows in Rantoul, IL. From 40 students at the Agassi Academy in Las Vegas to 900+ kids from eight schools in Washington, DC—all these students have worked with us to tell their stories and pay tribute to the workers in America they know the best: their own families.

Ellen's Work blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
February 2025

Despite he big chill of January, AMP never slowed up, with lots of visitors braving the cold to come to see the mural and make fire art tiles with visitor services staffers Eli, Sky, and Michaela and interns Nick and Joyce. I am guessing part of our guests' motivation is just to warm up. Creating these tiles is so much fun, and they are yours to bring home. They are the perfect Valentine for someone who couldn’t come with you.

Now February is entering with a bang. This Saturday, The New Mosaic leads off the LIVE @AMP 2025 season with one of my favorite vocalists: Erica Tracy. She'll be accompanied by bassist Tom Sullivan, Mike Carabello on keyboard, and Dwayne Keith on drums. I guarantee you will not be able to sit still, and what better way to warm up than dancing in our space to this great band?

For me, this month is going to be spent returning to the schools involved in our Regeneration Project. I am so thrilled with the work of these phenomenal art teachers and students all around Connecticut. So many different approaches have been taken. The students are really digging deep in their collaborative effort to create a statement about contribution. In forming better habits and making changes that are sometimes tough, we can eliminate contaminants from the environment that threaten wildlife and sea creatures, not to mention a chance to save us from ourselves. But we ALL need to get involved. Nothing here is easy but nothing good comes from leaving the work to others.

Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
November 2024

I am starting November with an upbeat message. 

I want to rally everyone around a simple idea of working together. This is a perfect time to make a loud noise for collaboration here and across the country. And let’s have it be something meaningful for all of us.

This is not a new concept for anyone who hangs around the mural project. Through the years, we have moved mountains at AMP simply by working together, each one of us recognizing and celebrating what makes us distinct, different, and special. Paul Hawken, our Advisor on the Regeneration Project, says it perfectly: “each of us is multitudes.”

So, jump-starting this idea, this past Monday, we invited 100 kids and teachers from ten schools across Connecticut to AMP for our first big meeting for Regeneration. From Hartford to Fairfield and everywhere in between, the students arrived in buses and vans. They spent the day together, getting to know each other and learning about their assignment for the next six months: to address the most important threat for all of us on this earth, global warming—and the resulting disappearance of clean water, wildlife, and natural habitats for all of us on the planet.

When I am losing hope about reasonable solutions to problems, I turn to young people who, most times, have a much better handle on it. To begin, they have no ulterior motive but to solve the actual problem as they see it. Once the Regeneration Project is finished and installed in the spring, it is going to blow everyone’s mind who visits AMP and takes it in. These kids are in charge of the creation and the narrative. Whatever comes of this, the students will own it.

It is a great time for all of us older guys to take notice.

Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
October 2024

It was so busy at AMP in September that I missed half of the activity! I m still wondering what happened to two of the four weeks this month. Now, here comes October—all at once, leaves are dropping way too fast, and gorgeous days are ending with powerful sunsets. This month at AMP is bookended with two of my most anticipated events of 2024.

On Saturday, October 5, Melissa Bennett, the amazing firefighter depicted in the mural is coming from Brooklyn with family and friends to see the mural and check out her portrait for the first time. I have been excited about this moment since we installed Melissa's portrait in 2019. We are going to have a blast sitting and talking about how we met and her work as a NYC firefighter (including being the first woman to train a future class of firefighters). Melissa is funny and self-effacing. She is the recipient of many awards and has been honored on several occasions for her singular achievements as a member of Canarsie’s Engine 257. I cannot believe my luck meeting Melissa, and I am so proud to call her a friend.

Another milestone moment is coming up on October 28. On that Monday morning at 9am, we will greet 80 middle and high school students from ten Connecticut schools for the first time. Together, we will start Regeneration, a seven-month collaborative art project. The first hour will be taken to get to know each other. Then we will tackle a mammoth question: How do we create a blueprint for cleaning up our environment on a global scale? Over the next seven months, these kids will create an art piece that will explore their deepest concerns. Working independently with faculty advisors at their respective schools, the kids will construct three-dimensional sections highlighting their ideas for positive change. All the creative work and the narrative copy will be by the students. Once finished, everything will be installed at AMP in the Ramp Gallery.

On Earth Day, our awesome AMP Advisor, Regeneration author Paul Hawken (who inspired this project at AMP) will come all the way from San Francisco to meet our Regeneration kids and sign his book to each of them in person. Collaborative projects don’t get much bigger than this one!

Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
September 2024

When I was growing up in St Louis, and I knew the back-to-school moment was pending, I started thinking of all the ways I could extend the summer. I didn’t even hate school. I just loved summer: my chance to dream about possibilities and do all sorts of cool things.

Some might say I am a mature adult and good to go on my own, but I still need lots of inventive, exciting projects scheduled for September to ease the tension. And AMP has a full calendar this year.

I am working hard with our carpenters, Justin and Steve, to install the overhead art pieces in the Ramp Gallery. Going up on ladders, we are challenged to lift and install each 9–12 foot section without losing half of it because they are delicate, three-dimensional resin pieces. Fortunately, these two incredible craftsmen have installed other challenging sections with me. They accept these seemingly impossible tasks without losing patience. Although the three of us are challenged, it is exciting to think about people walking through the gallery, taking it all in.

On the education front, this month I start work with program director Michelle Begley and eight schools in Connecticut on the Regeneration Project. We look forward to our first full project meeting with our participating schools and our advisor, Annie Perkins, from the Mansfield School. I am most excited about seeing all the students come together for the first time to create their three-dimensional Regeneration artwork for the Ramp Gallery. This piece will reflect their environmental concerns and their solutions to climate change. This is going to be big—even for AMP!

And another fun event is happening at AMP this month: News anchor and friend Sarah Cody will give a travel talk with a photography slideshow and sign her new book Around Every Corner in Connecticut on Sunday, September 22. You can purchase a copy of the book at the event. Although we all know AMP is the coolest place to visit in Connecticut, there are so many hidden gems in this state, and it is fun to learn from Sarah about her favorites.

Can’t wait!

Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen's Work Blog
August 2024

August! How can it already be August?

This summer is flying by and AMP, inside and out, has been filled with campers for the whole month of July. When I come for staff meetings, my favorite thing is to see what teaching artist Shana is doing in Teen Art Studio. And I can’t leave without heading up to our outdoor playground to see what Chip and Justin are creating with the Design & Build kids.

In my studio, I am finishing some of the overhead pieces for the Ramp Gallery and planning the launch of Regeneration with AMP program director Michelle Begley. Regeneration is a collaborative project with students from eight CT schools that will explore environmental justice through art. The project is slated to begin in the fall and end on Earth Day 2025 with a visit from AMP advisor and best-selling Regeneration author Paul Hawken. Paul will be coming from California to celebrate the project installation, meet the kids involved, and sign his newest books.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. We still have August to go. This month, two of my favorite AMP events return. The first is Theresa Thomason and the KC Sisters on August 10. Their LIVE @AMP show sold out last year, and we’re thrilled they’re returning, along with singer Keith Fluitt.

The second event is Brews & Views on August 24. Four of our community micro-brewers will be here with samples that include their summer releases. I have been anticipating these two Saturday night events since January! I hope you can join us.


January 23, 2023

We’re so excited! The History Channel/A&E Network recently featured the American Mural Project on HISTORYTalks, a special event highlighting trailblazers, global leaders, and change makers. Senator Chris Murphy recommended AMP for this honor. The film crew who visited AMP approached a tough assignment of telling our 22-year story in three minutes, and they did it with incredible originality and talent. And, no surprise, Senator Murphy’s introduction makes the piece. You will love this. Please share with friends.


June 8, 2022

Welcome, Abigail, our new visitor services/education coordinator! She's a New Hartford native and earned a Bachelor of Arts in fine arts from Central Connecticut State University. She has worked with children in both a professional and volunteer capacity, from teaching Tang Soo Do to serving as a youth and family counselor. Abigail is an avid writer and creator, with a wide focus encompassing painting, fiber arts, and installation work, and is always looking to expand and share her toolkit.


June 9, 2021

Three of our staff members—Amy, Ruthie, and Michelle—completed a course in CPR/AED and First Aid so that our tours and programs are always covered by someone who is trained. Offered through Winsted Area Ambulance Association Official Site, our group's training was led by Ryan Weiss, WAAA's vice president, who did a great job of making it thorough and engaging. What an awesome experience!

AMPed Up


July 1, 2020

Welcome Karraine Moody and Solidea Pitruzzello, AMP's new Board members! 

Karraine has served as the chief executive officer of Hartford Area Habitat for Humanity for the last six years. She opened the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Bloomfield, launched Habitat’s neighborhood revitalization initiative to address blighted and vacant properties, and opened the Financial Freedom Center to provide asset building workshops for families within Greater Hartford. Prior to that, she held positions with Hartford Public Schools, United Technologies, and managed her own consulting firm. 

Solidea ("Dea") is currently the vice president, retail banking administrator, at Northwest Community Bank. She has worked at other banks in the region since 1995, as well as at the Hartford Board of Education, Southend Community Services, and the Wheeler Clinic. She holds extensive certifications and licenses, and has served on the boards of the Farmington Rotary, the Plainville Chamber of Commerce, the Wheeler YMCA, and the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. 

As AMP continues to grow, with additional programs, events, and renovations, the Board will play a pivotal role in fundraising, financial management, marketing and public relations outreach, and the next five-year strategic plan. We are excited to have them join our Board!


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June 1, 2020

AMP’s “Work Matters” social media project highlighting workers in the local community and beyond has continued to grow. From medical professionals to teachers to small-business owners, it has been exciting to hear what people love about their work and why it matters.

We’re paying tribute to the amazing work going on around the country with stories that celebrate, inspire, and connect people to work in America. Check out the ongoing posts on Facebook , Instagram , and  Twitter , and visit AMP’s website for the current profiles.


October 14, 2019

Senator Chris Murphy hosted an arts roundtable at AMP on Friday! Along with state representatives and arts leaders from around Connecticut, he discussed the arts as an economic driver. 

Murphy said “I have been a believer from the very beginning that AMP is not only a good thing for Winsted, but it is transformational for everyone who gets to come here. I am a believer in art and the initiative of art changing people’s lives.”

Click here to read the full WinstedPhoenix article by Shaw Israel Izikson.