Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
November 2023

October was a fantastic, busy month at AMP. We hosted Sustainable CT for a fun evening as they presented their CT Towns Awards. Our CHAMPS after-school kids contributed to the creation of a giant bowhead whale with Kat Owens. We had a blast with a sell-out crowd for our Recycled Runway. And we ended the month with 100-plus fellows from Fund for Teachers with a full-day seminar in their honor. These back-to-back events pushed all our buttons, but everyone on staff and all our volunteers and interns worked seamlessly through all the events, the projects, some additional field trips, and regular weekend visitors' days without a glitch.

November will be a little less hectic, but we are already setting up for the Recycled Runway exhibit. For anyone planning to visit this month, you will have extra fun checking out these incredible outfits on display on all three floors. And I have plenty to keep me busy working on the back ramp installation, now ablaze with light thanks to Tony and Michael from Vision Electric.

Never a dull moment at AMP!

Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
October 2023

I always hate the end of summer, giving up shorts for blue jeans, the end of swimming and tennis as temperatures drop. Then again, as fall begins, there is a certain energy that accompanies those chilly morning runs and an inexplicable joy watching the Cardinals upset the Cowboys on Monday Night Football, going way back to years of rooting for an underdog.

 This month I am going to double down on the back-ramp gallery installation. With every screw I countersink into the plywood, another kid’s piece becomes a permanent part of AMP, and we are closer to opening this new space to visitors.

 One of my all-time favorite events at AMP will be back on October 21: the Recycled Runway. This year's event promises to be as much fun as our first. Having seen some of the designers’ entries, I can say these creations will more than stand up to the marvelous pieces we saw in 2019.

 Best of all, this event emphasizes what we foster every day in all of our kids' programs. Creativity and fun are a given, but there is also a strong message, more important than ever, about saving the planet. At AMP one thing never changes: working together to make positive change. And having a blast doing it.

Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
September 2023

August was not the sleepy summer month I anticipated. AMP continues to move in exciting directions. The staff is busy making plans for fall programing and is looking ahead to 2024. As a group, we are excited as we discuss our favorite moments from this past year and decide what will be most fun for next summer. Michelle, Abigail, and Olivia continue to expand on program ideas for all ages, and now some of AMP’s adult visitors are asking if we might schedule a few similar programs for them. Why not?

 I have been working hard to finish the installation of the Washington project we did in 2012 with eight schools in DC. More than 800 kids were involved and each of them created their own silk-screen piece honoring a family member working in a government job. I am pulling the pieces out, one by one, and inserting them slowly into one major wall area in AMP’s back ramp gallery, which will draw people in behind the mural.

 As I climb higher on the ladder, drilling these assemblies into place, the whole space is transformed. All these three-dimensional pieces, full of color and light. Each one is special. All together they make up the most thrilling, collaborative work of art.

 I can’t wait for you to walk up the ramp and take all of this in. A giant part of AMP, with all these wonderful contributions from kids from all over the country, is still hidden from view behind the mural. But hopefully not for long. Get excited!

Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
August 2023

I can’t believe it is August. I need to squeeze in another summer, this one is flying by so quickly.

For the past few weeks, I have been working primarily on preparing installation sections for the back ramp gallery space. Every project I pull out to organize takes me to an earlier time in AMP’s history. I remember the states we visited, fabulous artists, teachers, and mentors who worked with us to complete these projects. I remember the kids—all the kids—involved. There is no question students all over this country have added a dimension to this project that defines it. And these days when I get a chance to meet and occasionally work with kids visiting AMP, collaboration is so clearly the driving force behind every project. More than ever, when there is so much to do in this world to change direction, fix things, save the environment, and help so many who are food deprived or needing companionship—I come into AMP and feel we have some magic happening in this space. There is no question something special is happening here.

Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
July 2023

I can’t wait for what is ahead.

Summer @AMP began last week for our kids, inside and out and when campers are around the atmosphere is electric. I will spend more time working on the back ramp gallery largely because everything on site is so lively. Kids run up to our build space with Chip and Christine. Ed’s music group plays all things percussive; the rhythms wafting through the main space defying anyone around to stand still. The grow boxes come alive with plants as Meredith and her crew fill another section of the garden. Wild creations emerge all over our new program space where Shana encourages use of any and all materials. There is nothing left for these campers but to go for it.

Can’t wait to see you all this summer at AMP.

Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
June 2023

On most days over the last eight months I have spent some of my time at work positioning 10,000 watches face up on 28 yards of aluminum wire mesh, immersing them, section by section, in polymer, 19 gallons total. On Wednesday, May 24, John Jacquier, Don Breslauer, and Justin Truskauskas met me at AMP to install this mother-load of watches on the concrete block and brick walls surrounding the elevator shaft in the mural building. Like some kind of Dr. Seuss creature wrapping itself around the elevator and up the stairs, the last section was installed on the third level about 10 feet from the roof. I will spare you the full description of how John, Justin, and Don got that last one up there.

As projects go, I have to be honest and describe it as one of the most tedious creative pieces I have ever done. Yet every time I put my knee pads on, started pulling the watches out in massive piles and, one by one, finding a perfect fit, a sweet juxtaposition, there was this momentary sense of accomplishment. Every watch belonged to a person who gave their time to help someone else. And every night when I got up to leave the studio, the pile of completed watches growing, I thought of the cumulative effect of all that help. At heart, we are still a country of people who want to give back. Sadly, in today’s world, it doesn’t make the front page.

At AMP, it does. 

Art at Work: Education

Art at Work: Education
May 3, 2023

A full hour on a bus with 10-year-olds and commuter traffic couldn’t keep McKinley Elementary from visiting AMP. After students toured the exhibit, they had some big ideas on what they would do if given a factory building.... metal shop... soca music space... roller-coaster restaurant. Another fun and creative field trip in the books!

Art at Work: Education

Art at Work: Education
March 9, 2023

Another great school visit, this time with students from Botelle Elementary School and Colebrook Consolidated School. After a tour of the exhibit, kids worked on a fun architectural project, imagining what they would do if they were given a factory building similar to AMP to adapt into their own big ideas. Dream home? Community center? Clinic? Cat coffee shop?

Art at Work: Education

Art at Work: Education
March 8, 2023

We had a fantastic day with seventh graders from Roger Ludlowe Middle School. There is nothing better than having 60 students in our space, asking questions about the mural and working on their own art project. For part of the Ludlowe project, students painted rocks with giant eyes and found secret places to tuck them in our outdoor program space. We can’t wait for our summer campers to discover these big-eyed rocks staring back at them.

Ellen's Work Blog

Ellen’s Work Blog
March 2023

I am halfway through assembling more than 10,000 watches as we head into March. I can see the finish before we get to spring. As I continue to lay them out, my mind wanders. There are so many stories here—these watch donations span decades. Here is an unorthodox medium that is turning into an amazing art assembly, and a great symbol of collaboration. Once we get this installed, the overall effect is going to be something very special.

Also special is our new series of music events in the mural building—and I am psyched. Mark Saturday, April 1 on your calendar. You do not want to miss this. I have been listening to the KC Sisters as I work in the studio and it brings back memories of growing up and singing with my sisters, Carroll, our alto, and Judy and I, who were first and second sopranos. How much fun it was as siblings to create harmony together, and the KC sisters take this to a whole new level. Add one of our favorite female vocalists, Theresa Thomason, singing Motown and gospel and, together, these women are going to bring down the house.

That’s a promise. Reserve your tickets now.